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Welcome To My Home Page
wazaab everybody
as you know this is my second site an its going to be better than the other one. i would like u to know that this site is about hobbys and pictures
above is a picture of me when i was 4 years old.i was with my father in one of the sheikhs plane . the falcon was blinded . i was scared at that time but now no. okay there will be a very cool photo page.bye
about below
below is a picture of my 5 year old brother with goofy when we were in paris disneyland . at first he was scared but when we told him he was a man he said okay and went to get his autograph

my life
i changed my mind about the site if you go to the photo page youll find photos of wrestlers and mobile phones so that will give you a clue of what this site is about
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why this site is better
this site was better than last one because the last one nobody liked it and i was making fun of my friends and at school they beat me up so i decided to make a new one that everyone will like i hope youlll enjoy it

Captions for pictures
Adding captions makes my pictures more interesting.
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